Gen 13, 2013
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NRDC-ITA, le allocuzioni dei generali nella cerimonia di saluto prima della partenza per l’Afghanistan

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Alla cerimonia di saluto del corpo di reazione rapida della NATO in Italia, il NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy (NRDC-ITA) comandato dal generale Giorgio Battisti, che si è tenuta giovedì 11 gennaio nella caserma Ugo Mara di Solbiate Olona, hanno presenziato il Capo di stato maggiore della Difesa, generale Biagio Abrate, il Capo di stato maggiore dell’Esercito, generale Claudio Graziano, il comandante delle forze NATO e statunitensi in Europa (Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SACEUR), ammiraglio James G.Stavridis.

Delle quattro autorità, due sono le allocuzioni integrali che sono state rese disponibili a beneficio dei lettori di Paola Casoli il Blog, qui riportate unitamente alle fotografie dell’evento (PAO NRDC-ITA).



Allocuzione del generale Giorgio Battisti, comandante NRDC-ITA e prossimo Capo di stato maggiore del comando ISAF, oltre che senior national representative del contingente italiano dispiegato in Afghanistan:

Per l’allocuzione integrale dell’ammiraglio statunitense James G.Stavridis (SACEUR), clic su Read the rest of this entry.

Adm J.Stavridis:

“General Biagio Abrate (Chief of Defense General Staff of Italy) and the, General Claudio Graziano (Chief of Staff of the Italian Army), LTGen Giorgio Battisti, distinguished guests, men and women in uniform, friends, families…

Good afternoon. It is really a pleasure to be here today.

We are all honored by the presence of the many distinguished guests joining us today as we recognize, support, and thank those who are deploying forward to Kabul, Afghanistan in support of our critical mission. Or, they have heard that we are serving wine (from the region near here) at the reception and are patiently waiting for that part of the program!

I would like to start with a quote from the Italian novelist and Nobel Laureate Luigi Pirandello.

He is one of my favorite authors, and I highly recommend his work Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore (1921) [Six Characters in Search of An Author]. He once said:

“The history of mankind is the history of ideas.”

We are seeing the realization of one of mankind’s greatest ideas – The NATO Alliance – today sending a coalition of its members forward. Our Alliance has maintained stability and sought peaceful resolution to conflicts for over 60 years. But, when called upon to do so, the Alliance will execute its combat mission.

The “idea” of such an alliance was audacious, and there have been plenty of critics along the way. Over the years we have been told that the Alliance was failing and couldn’t hold together – but those rumors over the decades have been just that. We have weathered many operations and challenges together – and it is through our combined efforts – your efforts – that make our alliance strong and vibrant. Today, you launch downrange to write our next chapter.

I find a quote from one of your more famous residents, Leonardo da Vinci, quite appropriate:

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”

“Sono stato impressionato dall’urgenza di fare. Conoscere non è sufficiente, dobbiamo applicare. Essere disposti non è sufficiente, dobbiamo fare.”

After seeing the rigorous training that you have undergone in preparation for this deployment, I can tell you that I am impressed. You have willingly learned much about the area, the people, and the rich history of Afghanistan to prepare for the mission. Now you will go and apply what you know and do the mission that is so important to the success of our Alliance, and to that critical region of the world. “Non bisogna fare le cose a metà” – If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well – And you have!

Italy certainly has a rich history of people making a difference. Marco Polo’s treks across the globe, Michelangelo’s timeless masterpieces, Amerigo Vespucci- who is of course America’s namesake. The list is immense – and so are the contributions!

This city of Solbiate Olona, here on the outskirts of Milan, bears witness to this amazing history. This area is known for its indomitable spirit. It served as a capital of the Roman Empire in ancient times, fought against Napoleon, and was the main center of the Italian Resistance during WWII. Today, Milan lays claim to a more peaceful title as a capital of the “Fashion” Empire… In fact, the outfit I am wearing now is actually part of Gucci’s Spring ensemble!

As a founding member of NATO, Italy has stood with the Alliance for 63 years. The connections that NATO shares with Milan, and Italy, are deep seated and strong. We see these connections here today. Your staff – comprised of 15 deploying nations – is a cohesive and well trained team, ready for multinational and joint operations at the Land Component Level. As one of seven Rapid Deployment Corps-HQs, your preparation for, and execution of, this intense mission has validated the changes made to NATO’s Force Structure.

Global reach and deployability are essential elements for NATO to embrace as we move forward as an alliance. You are demonstrating this capability – AND the flexibility needed to employ it.

NATO’s Deployability concept comes from agreements made at the Lisbon Summit. This Concept provides flexibility with a scalable, progressive deployment of capability options that can be tailored to the mission and situation. Additionally, the Alliance has fashioned the NATO Response Force (NRF) to provide greater flexibility in the options available to better meet any threat. The NRF, in combination with NATO’s Deployability Concept, have served to transform NATO into a much stronger and more effective military organization.

We have made great progress during our time in Afghanistan. We have seen major political improvements in government and in female representation, along with socio-economic gains in health services and education. I need you to focus on the importance of human rights in everything we do. Your time in Kabul will be challenging – and historic! You will literally be on the front lines as ISAF and Afghanistan continue the Transition to full Afghan control.

Joining me on the stage is the Commander, LTG Battisti. He is also an artilleryman and may have a hard time hearing me. He has served in Somalia, Bosnia, and Afghanistan – three times! His leadership reflects the characteristics of this unit: hardworking; enthusiastic; talented; and ready for whatever challenge is presented. And as SACEUR, I can assure you that the dedication and professionalism shown by this NDRC will be remembered. I look forward to your continued excellent work as you deploy to take over the role of ISAF Chief of Staff. Giorgio and Simonetta, thank you for your leadership and efforts during your time here.

In closing, I’d like to once more recognize the men and women of this Command who have accomplished so much in service to our Alliance. I commend you on your preparations and look forward to your successes. Each and every one of you has carried out an essential duty here in Milan – and will continue to do so as you deploy forward to Kabul. Your efforts have increased our collective security for citizens of the Alliance and for citizens of our interconnected world. You may want to look into adding to your command motto: “Detto fatto” – No sooner said, than done.

Another resident of Milan provides the sentiment I feel as you leave us for the mission: Dante said –

“Noi non possiamo avere una vita perfetta senza amici.” – We cannot have a perfect life without friends.

My friends, I look forward to your success, and your safe return.

In bocca al lupo and Thank you. Mille grazie”

Article Categories:
Afghanistan · Forze Armate