Ago 10, 2010
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Italy recruits a thousand youngsters for next coming 3-week mini-conscription course

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Roma dixit yes to a new mini-conscription summer tour. Next course will be starting on 13th of September and lasting for three weeks, one more than the previous edition of July.

There is an amount of  1,200 posts available in all the Italian Armed Forces (Esercito, Marina, Aeronautica, Carabinieri), nearly one-third of them designed for female candidates.

Everyone in the age between 18 and 30 …

can apply for the mini-conscription. All post requests must be sent only via web and not later than 6th of September. The Italian Ministry of Defence has already released an application form available on its official website.

The new mini-conscription course, also known in Italian language as mini-naja, has been given a juicy slogan by the Ministry of Defence, “Vivi le Forze Armate. Militare per tre settimane”, that sounds as “Live the Armed Forces. Soldier for three weeks”.

Related articles:

Mini-naja: the conscription is back (funny military manoeuvres in Italy) – By Cybergeppetto (8 agosto 2010)

Mini-naja: i ragazzi del 6° reggimento Alpini a San Candido (22 luglio 2010)

Vestizione, cubo e primo pranzo in caserma. E’ iniziata la mini-naja per 250 giovani (19 luglio 2010)

Mini-naja vanti marsch! – By Cybergeppetto (11 luglio 2010)

Mini-naja per 250 giovani tra i 18 e i 30 anni (9 luglio 2010)

Nrdc-Ita Solbiate Olona, il ministro La Russa: la mini-naja non è scoutismo (26 maggio 2009)

Source: Italian Ministry of Defence

Credits: Italian Ministry of Defence